Sunday, June 1, 2014


Obama spent the latter part of the week addressing the pressing national concern - concussions in the National Football League.

It is true that when everything is going totally peachy, hunky-dory, a president can start addressing other areas that are of interest.

However, when the following is happening and the president spends time blasting the NFL:
-your attorney general is STILL in contempt of congress for fast and furious
-your (former) IRS chief is in contempt of congress for torturing your political opponents during and election year
-you are destroying the economy with: Obamacare, EPA regulations and high taxes
-the economy is actually shrinking
-you have been caught spying on all Americans and
-the VA (government run, just like Obamacare) healthcare system is so corrupt and inefficient that people are dying waiting for care...

Well, someone needs to have his head checked.

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